Research content
Establishment of calculation method of effective thermal conductivity of Metal Hydride
Development of transpiration cooling in high pressure turbine
2025 Research
"Thermophysical properties of Metal Hydride"・Effective thermal conductivity of rare earth metal alloy(LaNi5)
・Change in porosity and effective thermal conductivity due to hydrogen absorption and desorption
・Improvement of calculation method of effective thermal conductivity of packed bed
・Numerical analysis of heat conduction for metal hydride packed bed
・Element test of film cooling
・Element test of integrated cooling
・Numerical analysis of heat conduction for turbine cooling element test
・Cooling structure design for transpiration cooling
2024 Master research
Effect of hydrogen absorption on therml properties of metal hydride packed beds. YANG ZIJIANG
Study on branching flow channels for film cooling. FENG XIN
2024 Graduation research B
Effect of helical channel pitch length on film cooling. WANG DENG PAN
Effect of blade thickness on double-ended supported flutter electromagnetic wind power generation. Ryusei AOKI
Effect of helical channel rotation diameter on film cooling. Yuji SASAHARA
Effects of magnets on double-ended supported flutter electromagnetic wind power generation. Fumiya SATO
Change in thermal properties of metal hydride LaNi5 due to hydrogen absorption and desorption. Kazuki TAKADA
Evaluation of heat measurement results in double-roof and double-wall thermal barrier house. Keiya HATTORI
Effect of upstream protuberance on film cooling. SHEN JUNJIE
2024 Graduation research A
Study on effect of film cooling hole shape. YIN ZHENHAO
2024 Graduation research B
Element test on downstream triangular-shaped protuberance of film cooling. ZHAI JIN YU
2024 Graduation research A
Study on geometry of helical channels in film cooling. WANG DENG PAN, Yuji SASAHARA
Study on double-ended supported flutter electromagnetic wind power generation. Ryusei AOKI,Fumiya SATO
Heat conduction experiments for estimating thermal properties of metal hydride. Kazuki TAKADA
Study on effectiveness of heat shielding in double roof of houses. Keiya HATTORI
Study on placement of upstream protuberance of film cooling. SHEN JUNJIE
2023 Master research
Study on effect of branching flow in film cooling. WANG JINTAO
2023 Graduation research B
Improvement in simple measurement method of metal hydride by exact solution. Kentaro SUGIHARA
Study on exit shape of crater hole in film cooling. Kenta AOKI
Study on cooling effect of pin shape in pin fin cooling. Yuya IKEDA
Effect of internal shape on shaped film cooling. Tomoya TKAKANEZAWA
Effect of blowing direction of helical channel in film cooling. Ryota HORIE
Study on protuberance upstream of hole in film cooling. Kaito MASUBUCHI
Study on flutter electromagnetic wind power generation by Karman vortex. GALU RAJESH
Effect of connecting channels between holes in full film cooling. LIN ZIYI
2023 Graduation research A
Effect of protuberance at exit of film cooling hole. ZHAI JIN YU
2023 Graduation research A
Optimization of film cooling hole using thermal fluid analysis. Kenta AOKI
Study on effect of pin shape in pin fin cooling. Yuya IKEDA
Effect of hole outlet shape in shaped film cooling. Tomoya TKAKANEZAWA
Study of helical flow path in film cooling. Ryota HORIE
Effect of protuberance upstream of the hole in film cooling. Kaito MASUBUCHI
Study on flutter electromagnetic wind power generation. GALU RAJESH
Investigation of regular structure specimen for transpiration cooling. LIN ZIYI
2022 Graduation research B
Effect of target plate on impingement cooling element tests. Katsutake ENDO
Study of PCT properties in metal hydride LaNi5. Hayato SANO
Study of the amount of hydrogen absorption in metal hydride. Shougo NEGISHI
Experimental study of thermal properties in solid particle packed beds. Takato YAMAGUCHI
Study of flow direction turning at the exit of film cooling hole. AHMMED MD NOWKIB
Serpentine cooling test of a symmetrical circular arc blade. TA DUY ANH
Pin-fin cooling test on flat test body. ZHOU ZIHANG
Numerical simulation of temperature in a metal hydride packed beds. YANG ZIJIANG
Study on cooling effect of protuberance at the exit of film cooling hole. HOSSEN MD SHABBIR
2022 Graduation research A
Experiments for hydrogen absorption and desorption in metal hydride. Hayato SANO, Shougo NEGISHI
Study on heat transfer enhancement in packed bed. Takato YAMAGUCHI, YANG ZIJIANG
Study on improvement of cooling efficiency of film cooling. AHMMED MD NOWKIB, HOSSEN MD SHABBIR
Investigation of convective cooling element test for actual turbine geometry. TA DUY ANH, ZHOU ZIHANG
2021 Master research
Study on effect of film cooling angle and impingement cooling position. YUAN CUNXIN
Study of thermal properties of metal hydride by heat conduction analysis in cylindrical coordinate system. LYU SHEN
2021 Graduation research B
Effect of multi-layer structure on film cooling element test. Syoui SUGII
Study on cooling range by using curved surface at film cooling hole outlet. Ryouta NAGAI
Evaluation of thermal properties by numerical analysis of metal hydride in one-dimensional cylindrical coordinates. MENG JIADONG
Study on the effects of film cooling and impingement cooling on integrated cooling. WANG JINTAO
2021 Graduation research A
Processing using the inverse heat conduction analysis of the thermal properties measurement data of metal hydride. Kentaro SUGIHARA, MENG JIADONG
Examination of turbine cooling element test piece in wind tunnel test. Katsutake ENDO, Syoui SUGII
Study of film cooling in turbine cooling element test. Ryouta NAGAI, WANG JINTAO
2020 Graduation research B
Effect of thermal properties on thermal conduction numerical analysis of metal hydride. Ryou TERADA
Research on processing methods for measuring thermal properties of metal hydride. Wataru MINAKAWA
Effect of pin fin shape for integrated cooling. KHAN RASHEL
2020 Graduation research B
Effect of ejection hole of film cooling. Masato SUGIYAMA
2020 Graduation research A
Numerical analysis for improving thermal properties measurement method of metal hydride. Ryou TERADA
Influence of temperature measurement position on thermal properties measurement of metal hydride. Wataru MINAKAWA
Examination of element test model for integrated cooling. KHAN RASHEL
2019 Master research
Study on integrated cooling for high pressure turbine cooling. LI JIZENG
2019 Graduation research B
Improvement of measurement accuracy of thermal properties of metal hydride packed bed. Shouma KUWABARA
Thermal properties measurement experiment of irregular structure with two kinds of materials. Kazuki GENDA
Thermal properties measurement experiment of regular structure formed by 3D printer. Takafumi MAEDA
Experiment on cooling effect of shaped film cooling. JUNG MINGU
Element testing of pin fin cooling and impingement cooling. FENG YIZHI
Study on effect of impingement cooling in integrated cooling. Takuto MINE
2019 Graduation research A
Improvement of temperature measurement for thermal property measurement of metal hydride. Shouma KUWABARA
Model test for thermal property measurement of metal hydride. Kazuki GENDA, Takafumi MAEDA
Improving cooling air supply for turbine cooling element testing. Masato SUGIYAMA, FENG YIZHI
Examination of test model for turbine cooling element test. Takuto MINE, JUNG MINGU
2018 Graduation research B
Study of accuracy improvement in simple measurement method. Takuya KIMURA
Study on effect of size and arrangement of pin fins in convection cooling. Yuki MIYAHIRA
Fabrication of element test section for study of influence of pin fin shape in convection cooling. Haruka KOBAYASHI
Study on influence by arrangement of different injection hole diameters in impingement cooling. Yusuke MAEHARA
Study on influence of cross flow in impingement cooling. Takumi KOBAYASHI
Study on effect of cooling channel on film cooling. Hiroto ABE
Study on effect of injection hole shape on film cooling. Motoyuki NAKAJIMA
Study on effect of hole direction on film cooling. LI MU
Study on cooling air supply in wind tunnel for element test of turbine cooling. Yoshihiro INAMI
2018 Graduation research B
Study of influence of temperature measurement position in simple measurement method. Yusuke ISHIZUKA
Evaluation by numerical analysis on element test of turbine cooling. Yuki KIKUCHI
2018 Graduation research A
Mesurement of temperature distribution by infrared thermography. Hiroto ABE
Element test of impingement cooling.
Element test of convection cooling (pinfin cooling). Haruka KOBAYASHI, Yuki MIYAHIRA
Element test of film cooling.
Heat conduction experiment of metal hydride packed bed. Takuya KIMURA
2017 Graduation research B
Evaluation of heating wind tunnel for turbine cooling test. Naoki SEKINE
Turbine cooling element test by heating wind tunnel. Toshifumi YOSHIDA
Influence of heat conduction characteristics by change of porosity. Syogo KAWASAKI
Improvement of accuracy of temperature measurement for heat conduction experiment of metal hydride. Yuta SENDA
Evaluation of thermal conduction experiment of packed bed by numerical analysis of cylindrical coordinate system. Yuga FUKUSHIMA
2017 Graduation research A
Improvement of processing program for thermal conduction experiment of packed bed. Yusuke ISHIZUKA
2017 Graduation research A
Construction of wind tunnel for turbine cooling research. Yoshihiro INAMI, Yuki KIKUCHI
Element test of turbine cooling. Naoki SEKINE, Toshifumi YOSHIDA
Measurement of effective thermal conductivity of metal hydride. Syogo KAWASAKI, Yuta SENDA
Measurement of effective thermal conductivity of packed bed. Yuga FUKUSHIMA
2016 Graduation research B
Unsteady solid thermal conductivity measurements with constant heat flux. Takaaki SAGUCHI
Measurements of one-dimensional effective thermal conductivity of powder packed bed by transient heat conduction experiment. Yuya TATENO
Effect of porosity on effective thermal conductivity in packed bed (Unsteady cylindrical coordinate system). Itsuki TANAKA
Measurements of effective thermal conductivity of packed bed at constant boundary temperature. WEN TINGYU
2016 Graduation research A
Effect of porosity on effective thermal conductivity in packed bed. Yuya TATENO, Itsuki TANAKA
Measurement method of effective thermal conductivity of packed bed. Takaaki SAGUCHI, WEN TINGYU