Simple Concentrator Type S.C. Tested in Kenya

Simple Concentrator Type S.C. Tested in Kenya in 2007

has a concentrator of 1.2m in diameter made of stainless steel sheets. We were very sure that Kenyans have the same material. But contrary to our expectations, it was not common in Kenya at all. The reflection of the stainless steel is not high even though its surface is finished but it is very tough and endurable. The cooker itself has a very simple structure but I also proposed a simple method to use it in equatorial countries at the citizen's forum of TICAD IV. The following is the idea.


Well, the title means that you don't have to stick to the 100% concentration.


The above figure shows the robustness of concentrators with short, middle, and long focal lengths.


As shown in the photo, it does not have a mechanism for the rotation around the vertical axis. But, you do not have to adjust the direction by the rotation around the vertical axis when you use it in equatorial countries. All you need to do is rotate around the horizontal axis and adjust the position you put the pot.


Then you can concentrate the large fraction of light received by the concentrator.


The above figure shows concentration at noon and 8:00am (or 4:00pm) on the sprint (autumn) equinox.


The above figure shows concentration at noon and 8:00am (or 4:00pm) on the summer (winter) solstice. You can see the rotation around the vertical axis is not necessary at all. If you employ this method to adjust for the direction of the sun, you can fix the support of the cooker to the ground all the year and it makes the constructions very easy.


The Kenyan minister of agriculture and livestock listens to the explanations of our solar cookers from a SCI staff.
