- 岡田勝吾, 村上晃一, 尼子勝哉, 佐々木節, 木村彰徳, 小井辰巳, 浅井慎, Andorea Dotti, Margot Gerritsen, Sebastien Incerti,
第65回応用物理学会春季学術講演会, 2018.3
- Gan Xiaobo, 木村彰徳,
情報処理学会第80回全国大会, 2018.3
- 岡田勝吾, 村上晃一, 木村彰徳, 尼子勝哉, 佐々木節,
GTC Japan 2017, 2017.12.
- 佐々木節, 村上晃一, 尼子勝哉, 岡田勝吾, 藏重久弥, 田中覚, 木村彰徳, 阿蘇司, 吉田肇, 山下智弘, 歳藤利行, 大町千尋, 浅井慎,
応用物理学会放射線分科会誌「放射線」, Vol.43, pp.59-68, 2017.
- Gan Xiaobo, 木村彰徳,
情報処理学会第79回全国大会, 2017.3
- J. Allison, A. Kimura, et al.,
Recent developments in Geant4,
Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, Vol. 835, p.186-225, 2016.11.
- A. Kimura, H. Hasegawa, A. Saitoh, S. Tanaka,
gMocren: Visualization software for Monte Carlo simulators for radiotherapy,
Invited Talk, The 35th JSST Annual Conference International Conference on Simulation Technology, JSST 2016, 2016.10, Kyoto, Japan.
- M. Gerritsen, N. Henderson, K. Murakami, S. Okada, T. Sasaki, A. Kimura, M. Asai, A. Dotti,
MPEXS: A CUDA MonteCarlo of the simulation of electromagnetic interactions,
22nd International Conference on Computing in High energy and Nuclear Physics (CHEP 2016), 2016.10, San Francisco, USA.
- A. Kimura, S. Tanaka,
Volume Visualization Using Adaptive Tetrahedral Mesh with GPU-Accelerated Fast Cell Search,
2015 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference (NSS/MIC), p.1-4, Nov. 2015.
- A. Kimura, H. Hasegawa, A. Saitoh, S. Tanaka,
gMocren: Visualization software for Monte Carlo simulators for radiotherapy,
Journal of Advanced Simulation in Science and Engineering, Vol.2, No.1, pp.45-62, 2015.5.
- A. Kimura,
Integration of GPGPU for EM physics,
11th Geant4 Space Users' Workshop, 2015.8.
- A. Kimura, S. Tanaka, T. Sasaki,
Visualization Software for Multiple Data in Radiation Simulations,
2014 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference (NSS/MIC), p.1-4, Nov. 2014.
- A. Kimura,
Updates of gMocren driver,
Geant4 19th Collaboration Meeting 2014, 2014.9.
- J.Allison, L.Garnier, A.Kimura, J.Perl,
The Geant4 Visualization System - A Multi-driver Graphics System,
International Journal of Modeling, Simulation, and Scientific Computing,
Vol. 04, Issue Suppl., 19 pages, 2013.4.
- T.Yamashita, T.Akagi, T.Aso, A.Kimura, T.Sasaki,
Effect of inhomogeneity in a patient's body on the accuracy of the pencil beam algorithm in comparison to Monte Carlo,
Physics in Medicine and Biology, 57 (22), pp.7673-7688, 2012.11.
- N.Henderson, K.Murakami, K.Amako, M.Asai, T.Aso, A.Dotti, A.Kimura, M.Gerritsen, H.Kurashige, J.Perl, T.Sasaki,
A CUDA Monte Carlo simulator for radiation therapy dosimetry based on Geant4,
Joint International Conference on Supercomputing in Nuclear Applications + Monte Carlo (SNA & MC 2013), 2013.10.
- T.Aso, T.Akagi, G.Iwai, A.Kimura, Y.Maeda, N.Matsufuji, T.Nishio, C.Omachi, T.Sasaki, W.Takase, T.Toshito, T.Yamashita, Y.Watase,
Recent Updates and Plan in Geant4 Based Particle Therapy System Simulation Framework,
Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference (NSS/MIC), 2013 IEEE, 2013.10.
- K.Murakami, N.Henderson, K.Amako, M.Asai, T.Aso, A.Dotti, A. Kimura, M.Gerritsen, H.Kurashige, J.Perl, T. Sasaki
Geant4 Based Simulation of Radiation Dosimetry in CUDA
Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference (NSS/MIC), 2013 IEEE, 2013.10.
- A. Kimura, S. Tanaka, K. Hasegawa, T. Sasaki,
A Visualization Application on Mobile Devices for Geant4-Based Radiotherapy Simulation,
IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference, 2012.10.
- T. Akagi, T. Yamashita, T. Aso, A. Kimura et al.,
Status of Quality Assurance Using Particle Therapy Simulation Framework in Particle Therapy Facility in Japan,
IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference, 2012.10.
- A.Kimura, S.Tanaka, K.Hasegawa and T.Sasaki,
A Volume Visualizer on Mobile Devices for Radiotherapy Simulations,
Int. J. of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, Vol7, Suppl.1, pp.360-361, June 2012.
- A.Kimura, T.Sasaki, K, Amako, H. Kurashige, T. Koi, H. Yoshida,
""User Interfaces and visualization" and "How to Install and Update Geant4"
in Geant4 Tutorial, 12th International Conference on Radiation Shielding, 2012.9.
- A.Kimura, S.Tanaka, K.Hasegawa and T.Sasaki,
"A Volume Visualizer on Mobile Devices for Radiotherapy Simulations,
"Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, 2012.6.
- T.Akagi, T.Aso, B.Faddegon, A.Kimura, et al.,
"The PTSim and TOPAS Projects, Bringing Geant4 to the Particle Therapy Clinic,"
Progress in Nuclear Science and Technology, Atomic Energy Society of Japan, Vol.2, pp.912-017, 2011.10.
- A. Kimura,
"gMocren: Status and Plans,"
Geant4 Collaboration Meeting 2011, 2011.9.
- A. Kimura, S. Tanaka, K. Hasegawa, and T. Sasaki,
"gMocren: A volume visualization application for Geant4-based radiotherapy simulation,"
PTCOG 50, 2011.5.
- 周東諒, 木村彰徳,
第1回電気学会栃木・群馬支所合同研究発表会, 2011.3.
- A.Kimura, T.Yamashita, T.Akagi, T.Sasaki, Y.Tatsumi, K.Hasegawa, S.Tanaka
"DICOM-RT Extension Support of Visualization Tool for Radiotherapy Simulation,"
IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference, N64-6, November 2010.
- T. Aso, T. Yamashita, T. Akagi, S. Kameoka, T. Nishio, K. Murakami, C. Omachi, T. Sasaki, K. Amako, A. Kimura, H. Yoshida, H. Kurashige, M. Kaburaki
"Validation of PTSIM for clinical usage,"
IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference, N09-5, November 2010.
- A.Kimura, S.Tanaka, T.Yamashita, T.Akagi, T.Aso, T.Sasaki,
"DICOM-RT Visualization Tool for Radiotherapy Simulations,
" Int. J. of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, Vol5, Suppl.1, pp.67-68, June 2010.
- 北條雄也, 木村彰徳,
平成22年電気学会全国大会講演論文集, 第3分冊, p.68, 2010.3.
- A.Kimura, S.Tanaka, K.Hasegawa, T.Sasaki
"Visualization for Volume Data Scored by Geant4 Simulation,"
IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record, pp.2158-2161, October 2009.
- A.Kimura, K.Hasegawa, A.Saitoh, S.Tanaka,
"A Volume Visualization Extension for Geant4-based Radiotherapy Simulation,"
Asia Simulation Conference 2009, JSST 2009, October 2009.
- 木村彰徳, 山添悠, 田中覚, 田中弘美,
画像電子学会論文誌, Vol.38, No.4, pp.471-480, 2009.7.
- A.Kimura, S.Tanaka, T.Sasaki,
"A volume graphics driver for Geant4-based radiotherapy simulation,
" Int. J. of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, Vol4, Suppl.1, pp.24-25, June 2009.
- 木村彰徳, 長谷川恭子, 齋藤歩, 田中覚,
第28回日本シミュレーション学会大会 発表論文集,pp.215-218, 2009.6.
- 木村彰徳, 長谷川恭子, 齋藤歩, 田中覚,
- 木村彰徳, 八田拓也, 市村智和, 仲田晋, 田中覚,
シミュレーション, Vol. 28, No. 1, pp. 27-33, March, 2009.
- 山下智弘, 赤城卓, 阿蘇司, 佐々木節, 木村彰徳
シミュレーション, Vol. 28, No. 1, pp. 10-15, March, 2009.
- 木村彰徳, 八田拓也, 市村智和, 仲田晋, 田中覚,
電子情報通信学会論文誌, Vol.J92-D, No.3, pp.439-442, March 2009.
- A.Kimura, T.Sasaki, S.Tanaka,
"Volume Visualization Driver in Geant4 for Raiotherapy Simulation,"
IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record, pp.3158-3161, October 2008.
- T.Aso, S.Kameoka, T.Nishio, A.Kimura, K.Murakami, T.Sasaki, T.Yamashita,
"Hybrid Dose Calculation with a Pencil Beam Algorithm and a GEANT4 Simulation for Hadron Therapy Application,"
IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record, pp.1455-1458, October 2008.
- A.Kimura,
"Geant4 visualization driver for gMocren,"
13th Geant4 Collaboration Workshop and Users’ Conference, 2008.10.
- S.Kameoka, K.Amako, et al.,
"Dosimetric evaluation of nuclear interaction models in the Geant4 Monte Carlo simulation toolkit for carbon-ion radiotherapy,"
Radiological Physics and Technology, Springer, Vol.1, No.2, pp.183-187, 2008.7.
- A.Kimura, T.Aso, A.Saitoh, K.Hasegawa, T.Sasaki, S.Tanaka,
"DICOM Handling Tools for Geant4-based Radiotherapy Simulation,
" Int. J. of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, Vol.3 Suppl.1, pp.33-35, June 2008.
- 木村彰徳, 齋藤歩, 長谷川恭子, 佐々木節, 田中覚,
第27回日本シミュレーション学会大会発表論文集, pp.337-340, 2008.6.
- 山下智弘, 赤城卓, 阿蘇司, 佐々木節, 木村彰徳,
第27回日本シミュレーション学会大会発表論文集, pp.5-8, 2008.6.
- 歳藤利行,JST CREST佐々木チーム,
第27回日本シミュレーション学会大会発表論文集, pp.1-4, 2008.6.
- A.Kimura, A.Saitoh, T.Aso, T.Sasaki, S.Tanaka,
"Requirements in Modeling and Visualization for Geant4-Based Radiotherapy Simulation,"
IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record, Vol.4, p.2592-2593, October-November 2007.
- T.Aso, A.Kimura, S.Kameoka, K.Murakami, T.Sasaki, T.Yamashita,
"GEANT4 Based Simulation Framework for Particle Therapy System,"
IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record, Vol.4, p.2564-2567, October-November 2007.
- T.Aso, A.Kimura, T.Yamashita, T.Sasaki,
"Optimization of Patient geometry Based on CT Data in GEANT4 for Medical Application,"
IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record, Vol.4, p.2576-2580, October-November 2007.
- A.Saitoh, A.Kimura, T.Sasaki, S.Tanaka,
"gMocren: High-Quality Volume Visualization Tool for Geant4 Simulation,"
IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record, Vol.1, p.888-891, October-November 2007.
- K.Hasegawa, A.Saitoh, A.Kimura, S.Tanaka, T.Sasaki,
"High-Quality Volume Visualizer Designed for Computer Simulation of Radiation Therapy,"
The Third Joint Workshop on Machine Perception and Robotics (MPR2007), November 2007.
- T.Aso, T.Nishio, I.Daftari, A.Kimura, S.Kameoka, K.Murakami, T.Sasaki T.Yamashita,
"Proton Physics Validation on GEANT4 Based Particle Therapy Simulator,"
The European Federation of Organisations for Medical Physics (EFOMP), September 2007.
- 桑野浩, 坂本尚久, 小山田耕二, 齋藤歩, 木村彰徳, 田中覚,
可視化情報学会 第35回可視化情報シンポジウム,2007.7.
- 高間康文, 木村彰徳, 田中弘美,
情報処理学会論文誌, Vol.48, No.SIG 9, pp.64-76, June 2007.
- A.Kimura, A.Saitoh, T.Sasaki, S.Tanaka.,
"gMocren: a visualization tool for Geant4 medical applications,"
Int. J. of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, Vol.2, pp.459-460, 2007.
- 木村彰徳, 齋藤歩, 佐々木節, 田中覚,
- Y.Jo, M.Oka, A.Kimura, K.Hasegawa, A.Saitoh, S.Nakata, A.Shibata, S.Tanaka,
"Stochastic Visualization of Intersection Curves of Implicit Surfaces,"
Computers & Graphics, Vol.31, No.2, pp.230-242, April 2007.
- A.Saitoh, A.Kimura, S.Tanaka,
"Volume Visualization Tools for Geant4 Simulation, "
The Japan-Taiwan Symposium on Simulation in Medicine 2006, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan, 2006.
- A.Kimura, S.Tanaka, A.Saitoh, T.Sasaki,
"GRAPE: A visualization tool for Geant4-based medical physics applications,"
IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record, Vol.2, pp.793-795, October 2006.
- S.Kameoka, T.Sasaki, et al.,
"Simulation of Heavy Ion Therapy System Using Geant4,"
IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, November, 2006.
- S.Kameoka, T.Sasaki, et al.,
"Simulation of a heavy ion therapy system using Geant4,"
First European Workshop on Monte Carlo Treatment Planning of the European Workgroup on MCTP, November, 2006.
- 八田拓也, 木村彰徳, 仲田晋, 田中覚,
日本応用数理学会, 2006.9.
- 西尾禎冶, 河野良介, 宮岸朋子, 荻野尚, 佐々木節, 阿蘇司, 田中覚, 木村彰徳,
日本医学物理学会, 2006.9.
- A.Kimura, S.Tanaka, T.Sasaki,
"A visualization tool for Geant4-based medical physics applications,"
Int. J. of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, Vol. 1, pp.462-463, 2006.
- S.Kameoka, T.Sasaki, et al.,
"Simulation of heavy ion therapy system using Geant4,"
Computing in High Energy and Nuclear Physics, CHEP06, February 2006.
- 城良友, 田中覚, 木村彰徳, 岡将史, 長谷川恭子, 仲田晋, 柴田章博,
電子情報通信学会論文誌, Vol. J88-D-II, No.12, pp.2388-2393, 2005.
- T.Aso, A.Kimrua, S.Kameoka, K.Murakami, T.Sasaki,
"A GEANT4-based simulation of irradiation system for hadron therapy,"
Geant4 2005 10th users conference and collaboration workshop, November, 2005.
- A.Kimura, S.Tanaka, T.Aso, H.Yoshida, N.Kanematsu, M.Asai, T.Sasaki,
"DICOM Interface and Visualization Tool for Geant4-Based Dose Calculation,"
IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record, Vol. 2, pp.981-984, 2005.
- T.Aso, J.Apostolakis, M.Asai, G.Cosmo, G.Daquino, A.Kimura, T.Koi, T.Sasaki, M.Verderi,
"Parallel Tally Geometry in GEANT4 for Medical Dose Calculation,"
IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record, Vol. 2, pp.978-980, 2005.
- G.Iwai, K.Amako, et al.,
"An Application of Grid Technology to Medical Physics Simulation,"
IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference, N14-209, October, 2005.
- H.Yoshida, E.Suzuki, A.Kimura,
"GUI Toolkit of Geant4 Simulator to Design and Evaluate a Beam Line of Medical Linac,"
IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, J03-67, October, 2005.
- 木村彰徳, 山添悠, 高間康文, 田中覚, 田中弘美,
情報処理学会 画像の認識・理解シンポジウム2005 CD-ROM論文集, IS4-138, 2005.
- 高間康文, 木村彰徳, 田中弘美,
情報処理学会 画像の認識・理解シンポジウム2005 CD-ROM論文集, IS1-27, 2005.
- 高間康文, 鶴澤義章, 木村彰徳, 田中弘美,
Visual Computing/グラフィックスとCADシンポジウム2005 予稿集.
- A.Kimura, Y.Takama, Y.Yamazoe, S.Tanaka, H.Tanaka,
"Parallel Volume Segmentation of Multiple Regions with Adaptive Tetrahedral Grid,"
International Workshop on Volume Graphics, June, 2005.
- A.Kimura, T.Aso, H.Yoshida, N.Kanematsu, S.Tanaka, T.Sasaki,
"DICOM interface for Geant4-based Medical Application,"
Particle Therapy Co-Operative Group PTCOG 42, June, 2005.
- T.Aso, A.Kimura, S.Tanaka, H.Yoshida, N.Kanematsu, T.Sasaki, T.Akagi,
"Verification of the Dose Distributions with Geant4 Simulation for Proton Therapy,"
IEEE Trans. on Nuclear Science, Vol. 52, Issue 4, pp.896-901, 2005.
- 岡将史, 田中覚, 仲田晋, 木村彰徳, 長谷川恭子, 城良友,
電子情報通信学会総合大会予稿集CD-ROM, 2005.
- 城良友, 田中覚, 仲田晋, 木村彰徳, 長谷川恭子, 岡将史, 柴田章博,
情報処理学会全国大会予稿集CD-ROM, 2005.